Kalos Pokedex with cardboard

Today I am sharing another Pokemon Craft, how to make Kalos Pokedex with cardboard. Kalos is the region in which Pokémon X and Y takes place. This is easy to make Pokemon cardboard craft idea. Now without a further due let’s see how to make this.

How to make Kalos Pokedex with Cardboard

Kalos Pokedex
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Materials Required:

Follow these simple DIY steps to make Kalos Pokedex with cardboard:

Time needed: 15 minutes.

Kalos Pokedex

  1. Base:

    First, take cardboard. Cut out four pieces as shown below. base

  2. Structure:

    Now, paste the border pieces on the main cardboard pieces. structure

  3. Transparency:

    Next, take two transparency pieces. Take two cardboard strips and paste transparency on both sides. Paste this transparency sheet in between pieces made earlier. transparency

  4. Cover:

    Then, cut two more pieces and paste it on top as shown.cover

  5. Transparency layer:

    After that, add a flexible cardboard piece in both transparency. Cover all the borders with paper strips. transparency layer

  6. Painting:

    Now, its painting time. Paint the entire pokedex. Give few details.painting

  7. Detailing:

    Next, take one small cardboard circle and paste it on one side.detailing

  8. Kalos Pokedex:

    Yay! Finally your Kalos Pokedex is ready. Take printout of of your favourite Pokemon’s and insert it in between transpareny and cardboard from side.kalos pokedex

Hurray, your own Kalos Pokedex is ready. Try making this easy Kalos Pokedex with cardboard at home and share your pictures with us on our FACEBOOK GROUP.

Can I make Pokedex Notebook at home?

Definitely, you can make Pokedex Notebook at home easily with paper.

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